seven thousand one hundred and ten miles

May 2, 2009
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The car did not die on us. Thankfully. I was astonished we made it back 28 days on the dot. Oh damn, it feels so good to be back in my own bed. So. Why did we do this? Because we are (still) unemployed. Because we got laid off, and realized work was the biggest […]



April 21, 2009

Made it to Crown Point and my mom and dad’s place. It felt good to see everybody in a strictly visiting context. Usually, I’m around for disasters and/or emergencies. I’ll be back there next month to help out post medical issue. There’s a lot I’m not saying in this blog. I didn’t write about all […]


car drama

April 14, 2009
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The coolant reservoir is sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. A screw apparently popped loose and rashed through the bottom. Roy is out hunting down a new one as I type. This may turn out to be the last of the car drama…at least I hope it is. Woke up in the middle […]


amateur car census

April 13, 2009

I’m not sure if this is contrary or not, but in our travels on the freeway/interstates and some side roads through TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, my anecdotal estimation of what the makeup of the cars on the road as compared to San Francisco and the greater Bay Area is that there’s almost no difference. […]


self advertising

April 13, 2009

Courtney asked about those rear-window family stickers where people will put little stick-figures to represent themselves, their kids, their pets, sometimes with names, sometimes with their religious affiliation, “Why do people do that?” “Because they don’t have blogs.” Share on Facebook



April 13, 2009

Natchitoches, LA. When I first saw this sign on the road, I asked Courtney if it looked like “Nachos” with some sort of verbal flourish in it, like “shizzle”.  Then I wondered what the half-life of that term was, and whether I’ve just extended it’s life or hurried it’s eventual demise by using the term […]


on to Atlanta

April 12, 2009

Going to start to pack up and head on out to ATL before Courtney totally convinces Katie to join the NOLA Roller Derby Girls.  Or Katie convinces Courtney to take up the accordian. (Courtney refers to the trees covered with Spanish moss as “big Gandalf looking trees”.) Share on Facebook


they’re watching me!

April 2, 2009

Not anymore. The camera crew came and interviewed us again bright and early this morning. They wanted a shot of me typing on here, but they had me do it on Roy’s computer. (so you’ll have to switch your keyboard back to dvorak, hon.) Share on Facebook



March 31, 2009

not having to be at work at a set time, i’ve taken to hopping on my bike or going for a walk first thing in the morning. i did not have the camera with me this morning to document this, but while riding, i think i saw a half submerged pickup truck topper poking out […]